Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Publix $5 Challenge 1/12-18/2011

2 - Sun Maid Raisins 6 pk 1.5 oz. $1.952 -.55/1 Sun Maid Raisins 6 pk 1.5 oz., (Publix Coupon), Yellow Advantage flyer
- $1/2 SunMaid Raisins or Dried Fruit pks, 6 oz +, SS 11/07

6 - Martha White Muffin Mix 99¢2 - B2G1 Martha White Muffin Mix, (Publix Coupon), Yellow Advantage flyer
3 -.55/2 Martha White baking mix, RP 11/07

2 - New York Brand Texas Toast Croutons 5 oz., $12 -.50/1 Texas Toast croutons, SS 11/14

2 - Dial Liquid Hand Soap 7.5 or 9.38 oz, $12 -.50/1 Dial Complete Foaming Handwash, Stay Prepared Stay Healthy pharmacy booklet (not sure if it doubles or not)

 2 - Maalox Advanced, 65 ct. $4.492 - $5 off Maalox product SS 1/09

2 - Dayquil or Nyquil 2 ct. $1.292 - $3 off Nyquil AND Dayquil product PG 12/26

2 - Purina Cat Chow Indoor/Complete Formula/Kitten Chow Nurturing Formula, 3.5 lb B1G1 $4.99
 -$2/2 Purina cat chow, 3 lb + SS 12/05

-$4/20 RiteAid Video Value Coupon (Printable)

Total Before coupons and tax: $30.39
Total After Coupons, but before tax: $.34

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